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Why Sugar-free JO-MO Chocolate

When I turned 60, I received a "gift", pre-diabetes.  I immediately received a call from my family physician, who informed me dryly: "Although you do chocolate, but now, forget it!". My face fell and my heart sank, I looked for a suitable chocolate, but I couldn't find it.  But as a serial entrepreneur, there in no way I'll give up!

First, I connected to Dr. Google who told me that 1 out of 11 people in the world is diabetic or pre-diabetic.  So, I continued to think what can be done in favor of delicious and indulgent chocolate with the coffee? This was the trigger and this is the product - without sugar - with sweeteners from natural sources only and low carb (low glycemic value), tasty and without aftertastes.

It's surprising that the chocolate is sugar-free!

     Joy Of Missing Out Sugar    
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